+34 923 204 309 info@meins.es

we are specialists 


Meins thinks  Green and install his photovoltaic self-consumption installation

Renewables Energies.

Meins has installed a 21’6kWp self supply solar installation at our HQ facilities in Salamanca, Spain.

This is a proof of Meins commitment with the carbon footprint reduction (10’95Tn CO2 annually).

The cost saving will be directly invested in the improvement of the welfare facilities to provide a better comfort of our employees.

Amazing news about Meins project in progress coming soon.


C/ Hernán Cortés, 2-4 . Parque Industrial Los Villares
Villares de la Reina, 37184 – Salamanca

Telf. +34 923 204 309

Fax. +34 923 204 303


Síguenos !