+34 923 204 309 info@meins.es

we are specialists 


COMPACT SubestaTiOn – El Salvador

Renewable Energies.

One more big step for #MEINS this year, we have just successfully launched our first 10MVA 45 / 13’2 kV compact substation supplied in El Salvador.


This SMART solution has been pre-assembled and factory tested and is installed on site only in a few days thanks to our AGILE methodology.

The main advantages over traditional substations are reduced costs and times with quality and risk control.


C/ Hernán Cortés, 2-4 . Parque Industrial Los Villares
Villares de la Reina, 37184 – Salamanca

Telf. +34 923 204 309

Fax. +34 923 204 303


Síguenos !